
You've come to my (Hasnain Lakhani's) deserted corner of the internet

About me

Software Geek. Generalist.

I'm an avid geek and a technology and (computer) science enthusiast

Personally, I spend a lot of time reading (scifi and fantasy are my jam when it comes to books; otherwise I spend a lot of time reading general articles on the web), playing video games, and eating more food than is healthy.

Professionally, I have over a decade of industry experience as a software engineer and engineering manager, with interests in distributed systems and software security. You can learn more about my work via my resume.


I have a lot of (somewhat half baked) projects.


I built a small website and chrome extension that lets you track your game purchases across various stores and prevents you from purchasing things you already own.

Built with: Rust Rocket

halwa (Old)

I wrote a static site generator in Python which powered an older version of this site.

Built with: Python jinja2

hlisp (Old)

I wrote a lisp implementation in Haskell

Built with: Haskell

Hasnain Reads

I built a small web-app which communicates with Facebook to pull content I post, and display it on a web interface. This is paired with a messenger chat-bot to make it easy for me to publish content and update my reading list.

Built with: Rust Rocket


I wrote a static site generator in Rust to play around with data-driven blog design and ECS.

Built with: Rust ECS

NewsMap (Old)

I wrote a client-side JS app back in 2012 which showed news sources from all across the world.

Built with: Javascript jVectorMap


I built an online turn-based multiplayer game engine in pure Rust (for both the client and server) and implemented a couple of games I like to play on it.

Built with: Rust actix-web yew

Blocky (Old)

I wrote a C++ library for random linear network coding which was much faster than the implementation used in ENCODERS.

Built with: C++


While at SRI, I worked on ENCODERS, adding access control support and observability.


More about my professional experience.

View My Resume